Alonet Teva

Alonet Teva





Full Prescribing Info
The active ingredient is atenolol, respectively 50 mg and 100 mg per tablet.
Excipients/Inactive Ingredients: Other ingredients are povidone K25 (E1201), pre-gelatinised maize starch, microcrystalline cellulose (E460), sodium starch glycollate, magnesium stearate (E470b), colloidal silica (anhydrous) (E551).
Medicinal product group: Atenolol is a medicinal product from the group of the beta-blockers. These products protect the heart from too much activity, causing it to slow down, which reduces the blood pressure.
For high blood pressure.
For heart cramps (angina pectoris).
For heart rhythm disorders.
As an early treatment when a heart attack is suspected; for the prevention of another heart attack.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Dosage: The dose may vary from patient to patient. The doctor will gradually determine the right dose for the patient.
For high blood pressure: 100 mg per day (=24 hours).
For heart cramps (angina pectoris): 100 mg per day (=24 hours), possibly divided over 2 administrations of 50 mg.
For heart rhythm disorders: After the disorders in the rhythm of the heart are controlled, a maintenance dose 50 to 100 mg per day is administered.
As an early treatment when a heart attack is suspected; for the prevention of another heart attack: An initial intravenous treatment (via the veins) is followed by an oral administration as follows: 50 mg, 10 minutes after the ending of intravenous treatment, followed by 50 mg after 12 hours. Then 100 mg per day (=24 hours), possibly divided over 2 administrations of 50 mg for 6 days or until discharge from the hospital.
Children: There is no experience with the use of Alonet in children. Therefore it is better not to administer Alonet to children.
Elderly patients and patients with bad functioning kidneys: The doctor may decide to start with a lower dose.
If the patient notices that Alonet is too strong or too weak, consult the doctor or pharmacist.
Method of use: Take the tablet by swallowing it with a sufficient amount of fluid (for instance water).
If patient forgot to take Alonet: When patient has missed a dose, he/she should still take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, he/she should skip the missed dose and continue with the usual dosage regimen. Never take a double dose of Alonet to make up for the missed dose. The patient should check with the doctor or pharmacist if he/she is not sure.
When patient has taken too much Alonet, the patient should immediately contact the doctor or pharmacist.
Symptoms that can occur when patient has taken too much Alonet are slow heart rate (bradycardia), low blood pressure (hypotension), problems with the heart rhythm, decrease of consciousness up to coma, breathing difficulties, low sugar content combined with appetite, sweating, dizziness, heart rhythm disorders (hypoglycemia), increased sodium levels in the blood resulting in muscle cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, dizziness, headeache (hypernatremia).
Do not use Alonet: If patient is hypersensitive (allergic) to any of the ingredients of the tablet. The ingredients can be found in Description.
If patient has slow heart rate (bradycardia).
In case of shock due to a reduced activity of the heart.
If patient has low blood pressure (hypotension).
If patient suffers from an acidification of the blood (metabolic acidosis).
If patient suffers from a severe blood flow disorder.
If patient has certain disorder in the conduction in the heart, leading to arrhythmia (heart block - 2nd and 3rd degree).
If patient suffers from a certain disorder in the rhythm of the heart (sick sinus syndrome).
If patient has an untreated tumour of the adrenal medulla involving a sudden strong increase in blood pressure, severe headache, sweating and rapid heart rate (pheochromocytoma).
If patient suffers from heart failure (insufficient pumping strength of the heart) (decompensation cordis) which cannot be controlled.
Special Precautions
Take special care with Alonet: If patient suffers from insufficient pumping strength of the heart (decompensation cordis) which is not treated; atenolol reduces the strength with which the heart contracts.
If patient suffers from Prinzmetal Angina; the number and the duration of the angina-attacks can increase.
If patient suffers from impaired blood flow to the arms and legs (peripheral blood flow disorders); the symptoms of these disorders may worsen.
If patient suffers from a certain disorder in the conduction in the heart (1st degree heart block); he/she may use Alonet only with extreme caution.
If patient is diabetic; he/she may not immediately notice symptoms of a too low blood sugar level when using atenolol.
When the number of heart beats drops to below 50-55 beats per minute; the dose must be reduced.
When the treatment is stopped the dose should be gradually reduced over 1 to 2 weeks in order to prevent the worsening of the heart rhythm disorders and/or increased blood pressure.
If patient is very allergic (hypersensitive) to certain substances; the reactions can get worse.
If patient suffers from disorder of the airways; the symptoms of shortness of breath can worsen.
If patient suffers from an impaired functioning of the kidneys; the dose should be reduced.
Consult the doctor if one of the previously mentioned warnings is applicable to the patient, or has been in the past.
Take this medicine exactly as it has been prescribed. Consult the doctor or pharmacist if patient has doubts about the use.
Effects that can be expected when the treatment with Alonet is stopped: If without the advice of a doctor the patient suddenly discontinue the use of Alonet, the symptoms he/she had before the treatment of Alonet was started, may come back worse.
Consult the doctor or pharmacist of patient have any questions on the use of medicine.
Drive and using machines: Sometimes the use of Alonet can cause dizziness (see Side Effects). If patient experiences any of these side effects, do not drive and/or operate machines that require full attention.
Use In Pregnancy & Lactation
If patient has desire to become pregnant or is pregnant or breast-feeding, consult the doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.
Side Effects
Like all medicinal products Alonet can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
The following side effects can occur amongst others: The frequencies of the side effects mentioned hereafter are classified as follows: Very common: at more than 1 on every 10 patients.
Common: at 1 to 10 on every 100 patients.
Uncommon: at 1 to 10 on every 1,000 patients.
Rare: at 1 to 10 on every 10,000 patients.
Very rare: at less than 1 on every 10,000 patients.
Not known: cannot be estimated from the available data.
Blood: Rare: Contusions, blood disorder (shortage of platelets) involving bruising and tendency to bleed (thrombocytopenia), blood disorder (increase of certain antibodies) combined with increased sensitivity for infections (leucopenia).
Hormone metabolism: Not known: Certain symptoms of a too low sugar level in the blood may remain hidden or thyroid disorder.
Psychological: Uncommon: Confusion, mood changes, nightmares, psychoses and observations of things that are not there (hallucinations), sleeping disorders.
Nervous system: Uncommon: Dizziness, headache, observing tickling feelings, itching or tingling without a cause (paresthesia).
Eyes: Uncommon: Visual disorders.
Rare: Dry eyes (the symptom usually disappears after stopping the treatment), reduced vision.
Heart and blood vessels: Common: Slowed heart rate (bradycardia), cold limbs or blue coloring of the limbs (arms and legs).
Uncommon: Certain disorder in the conduction of the heart, causing heart rhythm disorders (heart block) or increased rhythm disorder of an existing heart block, heart failure (insufficient pumping strength of the heart), blood pressure drop for instance due to standing up quickly from a sitting or laying down position sometimes involving dizziness (orthostatic hypotension) possibly with fainting, if already present, increased periods of limping and pain in the legs, in particular the calves (claudication intermittens), reduced blood flow to the hands and/or feet (Raynaud's Phenomenon).
Respiratory system: Rare: Shortness of breath due to cramp of the muscles of the airways (bronchospasms) in patients with already existing complaints of shortness of breath.
Gastrointestinal system: Common: Nausea, vomiting, non-severe diarrhoea.
Rare: Dry mouth.
Liver: Rare: Poisoning of the liver (Hepatotoxicity).
Skin: Uncommon: Skin rash (exanthema), (the symptoms usually disappear when the treatment is stopped).
Rare: Contusions (purpurea), hair loss (alopecia), skin reactions, worsening of a recurrent skin condition involving flaking, dry skin rash (psoriasis).
Not known: Hypersensitivity reactions, including sudden oedema in skin and mucous membranes (e.g. throat or tongue), breathing difficulties and/or itching and skin rash (angioneurotic oedema) and skin rash with severe itching and formation of bumps (urticaria).
Sexual organs: Rare: Impotence.
General: Common: Fatigue, sweating.
Tests: Very rare: Increased level of certain antibodies in the blood (ANA).
Not known: Increased fat level in the blood.
If any of the side effects get serious, or if patient notices any side effects not listed, tell the doctor or pharmacist.
Drug Interactions
Tell the doctor or pharmacist if patient is taking or has recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without prescription.
Attention: The following remarks may also be applicable to the recent use of medicinal products or their use in the near future.
The medicines mentioned in this section may be known to the patient under a different name, often the brand name. In this section only the active ingredient of the medicinal product is mentioned, not the brand name. Therefore, advise patient to always carefully read on the package or in the patient leaflet what the active ingredient is of the medicines the patient is using.
An interaction means the (medicinal) products that are used together can influence each other's effect and/or side effect. An interaction can occur with the concomitant use of these tablets and: Calcium antagonists (products that have an effect on the heart, such as for instance verapamil or diltiazem): The risk of low blood pressure (hypotension), slow heart rate (bradycardia) or heart failure (insufficient pumping strength of the heart) increases.
Dihydropyridine derivatives (products that have an effect on the heart, such as for instance nifedipine): The effectiveness of atenolol is increased and the risk of heart failure increases.
Digitalis-glucosides (products that have an effect on the heart): Concomitant use can have an effect on the heart.
Clonidine (products against high blood pressure and migraine): With the use of clonidine should only be topped a few days after the atenolol is stopped.
Medicinal products that have a stabilizing effect on the rhythm of the heart, such as for instance disopyramide and quinidine: Concomitant use can have an effect on the heart.
Medicinal products that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, such as for instance adrenaline: The effect of atenolol can be reduced.
Certain medicinal products that have pain killing, fever reducing and anti-inflammatory effect, such as for instance ibuprofen and indomethacin: The effect of atenolol can be reduced.
Oral blood sugar reducing products and insulin: The effect of these products are increased by atenolol.
Inhalation anaesthetics (medicinal products that are used for anaesthesia): The doctor who is administering that medicinal product should know that the patient is using atenolol.
Other blood pressure lowering medicines: The blood pressure lowering effect of atenolol can be increased.
Do not store above 25°C. Store in the original package.
MIMS Class
ATC Classification
C07AB03 - atenolol ; Belongs to the class of selective beta-blocking agents. Used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Alonet Teva tab 100 mg
Alonet Teva tab 50 mg
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